What Causes Retinal Tears?

Retinal tears are a common occurrence, and can often be treated with laser surgery. But what causes them in the first place?

what causes retinal tears

If you've ever experienced a sudden pain in your eye and then saw flashes of light, you may have had a retinal tear. Retinal tears are a common occurrence, and can often be treated with laser surgery. But what causes them in the first place? In this blog post, we will explore the different causes and risk factors of retinal tears.

What Are Retinal Tears?

Before we get into the different causes of retinal tears, it's important to understand exactly what they are. The retina is the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eye. When this tissue is exposed, it can cause vision problems and even complete blindness. Retinal tears usually happen when there is a change in pressure in the eye, causing the retina to rip or even become detached from the back of the eye.

Common Causes of Retinal Tears


There are a number of different things that can cause a retinal tear, but one of the most common is simply getting older. As we age, our eyesight begins to deteriorate and the tissues in our eyes become thinner. This makes them more susceptible to injury and can cause the retina to tear more easily. Often, retinal tears can occur as a result of other age-related vision issues, such as macular degeneration. So if you're already experiencing vision problems, you may be at risk.


Another common cause of retinal tears is trauma to the eye. This could be from an accident or a blow to the head, and can even occur during certain medical procedures like cataract surgery. If there is any sudden impact to the eye, it can cause the retina to tear.

Other Risk Factors

In addition to age and trauma, there are a few other things that can increase your risk of developing a retinal tear. These include:

  • Myopia: If you are nearsighted, your eyeball may be elongated which can make the retina thinner and more susceptible to injury.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy: This is a condition that can occur in people with diabetes, and it damages the blood vessels in the retina. This makes it more likely to tear.
  • Glaucoma: This is another eye condition that can cause increased pressure in the eye and damage to the retina.
  • Family History: If you have a family member who has had a retinal tear or detachment, you may be at increased risk.

Protect Your Vision with Malkani Retina Center

If you do experience a retina tear, don't worry — with prompt treatment, it is often possible to repair the retina and restore normal vision. So if you have any concerns about your eyesight, be sure to see an eye doctor as soon as possible.

When you require treatment for retinal tears, you need high-quality vision care from retinal experts. Malkani Retina Center is ready to serve patients in Florida with locations in Fort Myers, Naples, and Port Charlotte.

For information on our services or to answer questions about your vision health, don't wait — contact our team of professionals today.